Friday 4 September 2020

From Utah to Europe.

Navigating skiing and college in unprecedented times.
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Alice Merryweather

Alice in Wonderland

World Class Downhiller, Dartmouth Undergraduate, Baking Enthusiast, 23 Year-Old Navigating an Uncertain World in 2020. Alice Merryweather is all of these things. As a promising young skier on the United States Ski Team, Alice has rolled with the dramatic changes COVID-19 has forced the world to undergo while balancing training for the 2020-21 FIS World Cup season, pursuit of an Ivy League education, and, like all of us, exploring new hobbies as life as we knew it ground to a halt this past spring. While anxiety about an uncertain future would have given anyone perfectly good reason to take a break from pursuing a World Cup podium, however, Alice took some time to tell us about how she's found creative ways to train for the upcoming season, build a chair for an engineering class, and bake some banana bread, too.


Spyder: This spring was obviously unlike anything anyone's ever experienced. How did it change your plans?

Alice: I had come back to the US for US Nationals, and my plan was to get back up to Dartmouth for Spring classes, but that all got pushed remote. So, I packed up my car and drove out to Utah. I ended up just finishing up spring classes online, got into ski touring, and I've been in Utah or at ski camps since mid-March. 


S: What upcoming plans do you have in the next few months as you prepare for the season?

AM: I'm going to finally go home to Massachusetts to see my family, which I'm super excited about since I haven't seen them in over five months now. Then, the US Ski Team is going over to Europe! We were able to get Visas, and we're heading over at the beginning of September for over a month.

Alice Interview

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